Open Access Policy

(approved at the meeting of the Academic Council ONEU, proc. № 6 from 25.02.2014)

Electronic scientific journal of Odessa National Economic University «Problems of economic development» is an open access publication. Open access policy provides:

  • free access to the electronic edition of the journal, and its viewing and downloading;
  • placing a full-text issues on the journal’s website (international portal Open Access Journal);
  • placing the edition on the official website of the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine;
  • placing the publications on the national scientific portals ("Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine”, “Ukrainika scientific" etc.) and international scientific portals;
  • placing the publications on the national and international electronic repositories, libraries and Open Access directories;
  • placing of edition on the national and international scientometric and abstract databases in order to improve its indexing and ranking.

Ukraine, 65082 Odessa,
Gogolya str., 18, of. 110.
Odessa National Economic University
Сoordination and information department
(048) 777-89-16
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